Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday, Sunday

 How can you not have a good day when you start it by looking at a face like that?

If those long, luxurious whiskers don't do it for you, there is always cinnamon roll pancakes.

I tried out a new recipe this morning and they were a big hit. They were by no means healthy. But delicious? Absolutely. I blogged the recipe here.

The majority of our Sunday was spent out-and-about. We took a trip to Cabela's first and then spent the rest of the afternoon searching for the perfect lampshade for one of our guest bedrooms. It has yet to be found. Why is it so hard to find the right lampshade? I think there is a rule in the universe that when I'm actually out to buy something, I can never find it. On the other hand, when I'm trying to save money or I don't need anything in particular, there are pretty, shiny, handy items everywhere.

Tonight my brother arrived at our house. He recently got a new job here in Omaha and will be living with us for a while, which will allow him to save money and search for a new place. Scott and I (and Dart) are happy to have him here. 

Week-Ahead Challenge:
For this week, I am challenging myself (and you, also!) to take time to do one thing that you've been putting off. Maybe it's a difficult conversation. Maybe it's a doctor's appointment. Maybe it's cleaning out a junk drawer. Whatever it is, just do it! You and I both know that we'll feel so much better when it's done. Let's check in back here next Sunday for a re-cap and another Week-Ahead Challenge.

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