I had only gone about two years since stepping foot into the salon. I'd like to say I'm embarrassed by that, but I have no shame.
Scott and I were looking through old photos and we stumbled upon a few "composite" photos from my sorority days in which I had chin-length hair.
"Do you think you'd fix your hair more often if it was shorter?" he asked.
I purchased the next salon Groupon that showed up in my e-mail inbox. When a guy makes those kind of statements, you know you need to step up your effort. Quite frankly, mine had been pretty poor.
My hair was long, stringy and I was resorting to a bun or braid nearly every day. I looked like a sister-wife. Minus the long, denim skirt and multiple children.

Speaking of working things. This glamour shot was taken directly after an intense workout I did in the basement tonight. At one point I considered putting Scott on standby, just in case.
It is so hard for me to believe that people exist who really enjoy working out. It just does not compute. However, I am really going to try to be one of those people. Fake it til you make it?
In all seriousness, I started a Summer Kickstart Plan that was recommended to me by my sister-in-law. For a reasonable price, I received a nutrition and fitness plan that I'll follow for six weeks, measuring my results along the way. The plan is from Ali McClafferty and you should check out her Facebook page. Not only is her page visual motivation (check out her bod!) but from what I've seen in the plan, it should be effective as long as I put in the hard work. I'll be sure to chronicle my six-week journey here on the blog.
Do you have a fitness or nutrition goal that you're currently working toward? Do you find summer a big motivator? (For me, it's the pain of chub rub! Here's the scientific name for the condition.)
Cheers to the start of a new week.
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