Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Jude | Two Months

Jude, you are two months old!

Diaper size  |  Size one
Weight  |   12.1 pounds

You've been a pretty healthy baby. On Monday, July 7 you had your two-month check-up and shots. The pediatrician got you to coo for him. When you had your shots, you let out a bit of a cry and then calmed right down. Mom was preparing for the worst, but you did great.
Fourth of July outfit. Not happy, but cute.

You don't sleep through the night, and that's okay. We have, however, had two six-hour stretches of sleep from you in the past week. Your typical routine is to have your bath at 9 p.m. followed by playtime, food and rocking you to sleep. You will sleep from about 10:30 p.m. to 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. You eat and then go back to sleep until around 5 a.m.
Loving your play mat.

You are still breastfeeding and being supplemented with formula. You take eating very seriously and squeal and scream when we have to use the burp rag to wipe your face in the middle of your meal. I think you get that from mommy.

Jude, you are a cooing and smiling machine! You smile when people interact with you and coo very loudly. In fact, you've been smiling since you were three weeks old! You also follow things with your eyes very well and even like watching mommy vacuum. We're also practicing “tummy time” which you seem to like. This week I watched you try to roll over during tummy time. You're very strong.

Riding in the Baby Bjorn.

You like when we talk and sing to you. Your play mat/baby gym is also a hit right now. Another “like” is your swings. Yes, swings (plural). We have the Mamaroo but you loved the swing grandma keeps at her house so much that mommy and daddy bought one for you also. You love the crazy faces and noises your daddy makes at you and get especially happy when he howls at you like a wolf (we're a strange bunch, what can I say?). You also like your bath time. When we're done, mommy always gives you a baby massage with lotion and puts fresh pajamas on you. You get really happy afterward!

Sleeping in grandma's swing.

You don't like to be held facing people. You like to be able to see what's going on. You also don't like to have a wet or dirty diaper. As soon as we change you, you're all smiles. You also don't like to sleep that much. I think you feel that you're going to miss out on something. I assure you, when you sleep, mommy isn't doing anything fun.

Peanut, peanut butter, little pumpkin, pumpkin butt. You'll just hate that I called you these someday. I promise to drop them once you're old enough to be embarrassed.

Things I want to remember
You are just such a happy little boy. Sometimes when I'm trying to get you to go to sleep and I go to check on you, you give me a huge grin. I tell you that you're supposed to be sleeping and you give me the gummiest smile and it melts my heart. You've enjoyed seeing a lot of your family lately including Grandpa Duane and Grandma Dianne. They came to visit and we all went to lunch together. We spent the Fourth of July weekend with Grandpa Doug and Grandma Michelle and Aunt Kara and Uncle Kevin. It was a blast and grandma and I had fun dressing you in a patriotic outfit. We also stopped by mommy's office for lunch so that my co-workers could meet you. You were very good and fell asleep while we were there. You also met your great-grandmother Naoma this month. She thought you were pretty special. In August mommy goes back to work full-time and you will start daycare. It will be a bittersweet day for sure. I'm excited to go back to work and see all my great co-workers but I will deeply miss the time we spend together every day. But I love your daycare and I think it will be very good for you. It's a Montessori school and I'm sure you'll learn so many new things and explore your senses. Jude, you bring so much joy to our lives and I am so thankful that you are our son!

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